Monday, December 17, 2012

Peace begins with me. Peace begins with you.

Peace begins with me. Peace begins with you. Peace begins with non-violent communication. Peace begins with self love. Peace begins in the home. Peace can be cultivated, on this point all religions agree. Peace is an attitude. Peace is a vibration and if the quantum physicists are correct, when we vibrate with peace more peace will come. Peace begins with me. Peace begins with you. We've witnessed and experienced the opposite of peace for far too long. Peace begins with me. Peace begins with you. Be peace and your home, community, and world will follow suit. I am intelligent enough to be peaceful. You are intelligent enough to be peaceful. There is no way to peace. Peace is the way. Be peace. For my sake. For your sake. For your children's sake. Be peace.

Peace comes when we embrace it. It stays away when we embrace war, militarism, and foster mentalities of US versus Them. Peace demands disarmament of our nations, of our homes, or our hearts. Peace demands recognition that all humanity is equal and that every human being is sacred. Peace demands that we stand up and say with clarity, ENOUGH! Peace demands economic fairness, ecological sanity, and recognition that all spiritual paths are valid. Peace demands that all human beings needs be met regardless of profitability.Peace begins with me. Peace begins with you. Be peace.

Peace begins with stillness. Quiet your surroundings. Quiet your mind. Peace begins in my heart. Peace begins in your heart. The desire for peace is innate within me. The desire for peace is innate within you. Peace recognizes the folly of war. Peace recognizes the folly of forced conversion to a creed, religion, or dogma. Peace recognizes the inherent good within us all. Peace recognizes that all people are deserving of non—violation of their person regardless of nationality, ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion or lack thereof. Peace recognizes that there are many paths to the common human goals of wanting a life filled with meaning, happiness, and fulfillment. Peace recognizes that all people deserve to live their lives free of fear, repression, or coercion. Peace recognizes the wonderful diversity that is represented in humanity world-wide. Peace recognizes the seeds of beauty, kindness, mutuality, and joy that every child on Earth is born with.

Peace recognizes the wisdom in the expression, “whatever you sow you will reap.” Plant your garden with love, kindness, affection, gentleness and watch peace bloom. My life is that garden. Your life is that garden. Peace begins with me. Peace begins with you. We must all start somewhere. Start here. Start now. Peace begins with me. Peace begins with you. Greet your neighbor with peace. Your neighbor is humanity. Your neighbor may have different skin color than you, different beliefs than you, or a different language than you. Revel in that. Take joy in that. Greet them with peace. Peace begins with me. Peace begins with you. Peace begins now. The desire for peace is universal. Be peace. Here. Now. I am intelligent enough to create peace. You are intelligent enough to be peace. Be peace in this moment. Practice peace and it becomes second nature.

Be peace and watch the world around you change. In your home be peace. In your community be peace. In our thoughts be peace. In your actions be peace. Peace begins with me. Peace begins with you. Be peace.